Lucía Vallejo
Bilbao, 1975
Lucía Vallejo (Bilbao, 1975), is a sculptor and art historian. Her work is linked to the painting decomposition movement; This expands and liberates into the materiality of the canvas, recovering thus the expressive potential of its nature as a material. The painting leaves its two dimentional condition to convert itself in an object in three dimensions. Lucía sculptures emptiness. Her exhibition at the Casal Solleric supposed a point of inflection on her career, because he work got more complex and, at the same time, she began to do works for public spaces.
She regularly exhibits in galleries and international fairs such as Arco, Art Cologne and Pulse in New York, and works with institutions such as the Tabacalera (2017), the San Sebastian San Telo Museum and the Lázaro Galdiano Museum in Madrid. (2019).
Exhibited Works
- “Descomposición I”, canvas/wood, 2016. Courtesy of the artist.
- "La levedad del ser", seven pieces, canvas with twenty two carat gold leaf on board, 2012